I will start with a conclusion: do not take any mRNA vaccine.
Moderna and Pfizer are both mRNA vaccines.
Look at the chart below on 'How Messenger RNA Vaccines Work'. It
shows traditional vaccines and vaccines in the works (i.e., mRNA
vaccines). The traditional approach has been used for decades. The
mRNA vaccines have never been approved for human use and are now
being rushed into use.
The mRNA vaccines contain encased Covid-19 genes that enter and
cause cells to produce the Covid-19 spike proteins that migrate
out of the cells. Like in traditional vaccines the body then
reacts to the spike proteins to produce antibodies.
The problem: note the encasing of Covid-19 genes - it is
presented as clean and simple. What is not mentioned is the safety
of mRNA vaccines depends on 100% purity but this is impossible even in small scale industrial processes of purification -
and this is where the danger is and is impossible to avoid. Show
me anything produced including medicines that are absolutely pure
- there are none. Any genetic imperfection in the encased genes
will cause the cells to produce something else and here is the
100% certainty: that there will be damaged or incorrectly produced corona spike proteins and even radically unrelated to Covid-19. I can easily predict millions eventually with genetic
diseases like cancers and birth defects - infertility - and worse. Of course the pharma industry will cover it up (they'll
probably call it Russian meddling!) - our public duty is always to
accept it and make them much richer.
Perhaps for those nearing senior years it won't matter so much
but for young people who plan to have children and have decades of
life ahead: absolutely avoid these mRNA vaccines. There is
no way to stop the powerful in the US from pushing mRNA vaccines
on the public. The money involved is immense. They are blinded by
the dollar signs.
One more point: ask yourself why they are rushing out mRNA
vaccines that result in antibodies in the same manner as
traditional vaccines. Why not use the tradition approach to
quickly produce and make available safe vaccines? Why take the
unnecessary risk? Gates is behind it and just even that makes it
suspicious. They have some other agenda I haven't yet figured out.
Note that Robert F Kennedy Jr is making the same argument about
mRNA vaccines (he calls it the 'Frankenstein Jab'). Big Tech and
the corporate controlled media misrepresent him as an anti-vaxxer.
Do a search on 'Robert F Kennedy Jr mRNA' to see how Google orders
links calling him a hoaxer to the top of results - a good example
of how Big Tech has joined the older centers of the rich and
powerful to keep the public ignorant while they laugh all the way
to the bank at our expense.
Recommend the article by F.
William Engdahl "What’s Not Being Said About Pfizer Coronavirus